Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Let's talk about graphic design...

...and graphic designers' ability to change the world. Tonight my students are required to attend a screening of Miss Representation.


My hope is they will see and choose to change the way they think about design. We joke regularly about how 'sex sells' regardless if you're selling soap, dog food or vacuum cleaners. Unfortunately the by-product of this has been underselling the females in our society.

Take this ad, for example...

I found this on another blog, so honestly I can't say that I've ever seen it in print or online...but what in the world is Burger King thinking? The obvious reference to a sexual activity (can I say this without offending someone?) is clear. Any one above the age of 12 'gets it.' The woman...looking like a dumb blonde...seems in shock...appears to have no intellect...only amazement at the size? task at hand?

It clearly targets the males in our midst, but does Burger King have NO idea that women comprise over half in our society today? And women have the pocket book, typically the household buyer of food and groceries.

Just one more reason AND this comes from a fast food junkie...to stay away from BK!

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